Guide for pocket pussy: how to use and clean

Guide for pocket pussy: how to use and clean

The global sex toy industry has grown in leaps and bounds over the last decade and today, it is a multi billion dollar industry. When you browse online you are bound to find different sex toys making the rounds and one of them is pocket pussy. Do you know what a pocket pussy is and have you ever used one before? Probably not but you are about to find out in this post. You will also learn about how to use and clean your pocket pussy properly.


What are pocket pussies for?

Essentially, a pocket pussy is designed to help the user masturbate. The portable latex or runner sleeve surrounds the walls and is designed to stimulate the user's penis when he sticks it through the hole. Pocket pussies are the male version of a dildo or butt plug.


How to use a pocket pussy?   

Just like all sex toys sold on the open market, there are techniques one must deploy to use a pocket pussy effectively. How you use your pocket pussy is a matter of choice as long as you enjoy sexual gratification at the end of the day.

Here are some ways to use a pocket pussy:

1.To Masturbate: The simplest way to use a pocket pussy is to masturbate with it. Many users use it to improve masturbation because it heightens sexual pleasure compared to when it is done with bare hands. Pocket pussies have softer materials that stimulate the veins around the penis walls in ways that your hands cannot. You can use yours to masturbate but it is advisable to warm it up with hot water to kill any bacteria. Users are also advised to hold the toy firmly to avoid overstretching their penises and straining the veins.

2.Simulation: Another way to use a pocket pussy is for simulated sex. This method is different from the normal method of masturbation. You need to find something comfortable to hook your pocket pussy on so you can comfortably insert your penis and thrust it as you would with a real vagina. But this will only work if your pocket pussy has an outer shell. If you would like to perform regular thrusts without holding the toy we recommend buying one that has a strong shell that can latch onto a hard surface.

3.With a partner: Another way to use a pocket pussy is to use it with a partner. Rather than handle the toy yourself you can have your partner use it on you as you both engage in foreplay. The toy will come in handy if your partner is not up for vagina penetration. They can hold it beneath you while you perform downward thrusts.


How to clean a pocket pussy?

If you want to use a pocket pussy safely you need to clean it properly to avoid bacterial infection. Here are simple cleaning methods to adopt:

1.Washing: Washing is a simple cleaning method after every use. You can wash it with warm water after use or combine it with a sex toy cleaner if you have one. Cleaning your pocket pussy will not only rid it of bacteria but also prevent nasty odors and discoloration.

2.Dry it: After washing your pocket pussy, endeavor to dry it with a strong paper towel but dab it rigorously to remove water droplets. Sprinkling cornstarch into the hole can also dry it and keep it fresh.

3.Store It: After drying your pocket pussy, keep it in a dry spot away from light. But make sure the spot is well ventilated.

If you have never tried a pocket pussy before, consider trying it and you’ll enjoy the experience. We have different pussy pockets for beginners and experienced users.



Note: What is a pocket pussy?           

A pocket pussy is a masculine sex toy that has the shape of a vagina. This sex toy is portable and made with soft, synthetic rubber. It has an opening through which the user can slide his penis to achieve orgasm. Pocket pussies come in different sizes and patterns but their vagina design is a standard feature.

Some may feel tighter than others or have one or two holes shaped like an anus or vagina. There are even pocket pussies that look like a human mouth; regardless of the shape, the essential goal of this sex toy is to help the user achieve orgasm.

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